Is Arise Solar and Sunboost the Same Company?

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Arise Solar and Sunboost are two separate companies, but they share concerning similarities in their marketing and business practices. Both have been associated with deceptive tactics, such as rebranding low-quality panels and using unqualified installers. Sunboost, owned by the National Solar Energy Group, has faced regulatory issues and numerous consumer complaints.

These companies often lure customers with cheap prices, but the true cost can be poor quality, safety risks, and unreliable warranties. To avoid these pitfalls, consumers should prioritise reputable solar providers, verify installer qualifications, and thoroughly research company backgrounds before making a decision. Quality and reliability should always come first in solar investments

Are Arise Solar and Sunboost the Same Company?

Solar power has seen an exponential rise in popularity as a renewable energy source. With increasing demand, several companies have entered the market, offering seemingly cheap solar panel installations. Among these, Arise Solar and Sunboost have garnered attention, often leaving consumers wondering if they are the same company.

This article delves into the relationship between Arise Solar and Sunboost, their marketing tactics, and what consumers should be wary of when opting for the cheapest solar deals.

The Allure of Cheap Solar

The promise of cheap solar installations is enticing for many homeowners. However, it’s essential to scrutinise such offers critically. Companies like Sunboost, which is owned by the National Solar Energy Group, have been associated with deceptive marketing practices, often linking them to other entities like Arise Solar and Euro Solar. These connections raise concerns about the legitimacy and reliability of these companies.

The Tactics Behind the Prices

Here’s a closer look at some of these practices:

  1. Rebadging of Panels:

    • Companies have been known to rebrand cheaper, lower-quality panels as premium products. This involves placing labels of well-known brands on substandard panels, misleading consumers about the origin and quality of the products they are purchasing.
  2. Phoenixing:

    • This is a practice where a company shuts down and reopens under a new name, leaving behind unpaid debts and unresolved customer issues. This tactic allows companies to evade warranties and continue their operations with a clean slate, often to the detriment of their customers.
  3. Using Unqualified Installers:

    • To cut costs, some companies employ unqualified or underqualified installers. There have been instances where signatures on installation certifications were forged by individuals not present in the country. This not only compromises the quality of the installation but also poses significant safety risks.
  4. Paying Installers Poorly:

    • Low pay for installers can lead to corners being cut during installation. This can result in poorly installed systems that may fail prematurely or even pose fire hazards.
  5. Bait and Switch:

    • Advertising a product at an attractively low price to lure customers, only to switch it with a more expensive or inferior product at the time of installation. This deceptive practice often leaves customers with unexpected costs and subpar products.
  6. Increasing Prices on Installation Day:

    • Customers might agree to a quoted price only to face unexpected additional charges on the day of installation. Companies might claim unforeseen issues to justify the price hike, putting customers in a difficult position once the work has already commenced.
  7. Cheap Wiring and Materials:

    • Using low-quality wiring and materials is another cost-cutting measure. This can lead to non-compliant installations that are prone to failures and pose significant safety risks.

Celebrity Endorsements and Misleading Marketing

Both Arise Solar and Sunboost have been known to employ aggressive marketing tactics, including celebrity endorsements. While these endorsements can be persuasive, it’s important for consumers to remember that celebrities often lack technical knowledge about the products they promote. Just as seen in the cryptocurrency market, where celebrities endorse products without understanding them, the same can happen with solar companies.

Regulatory Issues and Consumer Complaints

Sunboost has faced significant scrutiny from regulatory bodies. The NSW Fair Trading alleged that the company provided incorrect information to secure its electrical contractor license, leading to numerous consumer complaints and inquiries. Similarly, Euro Solar, associated with these entities, faced a winding-up notice from the Tax Office due to false reviews, rebadging panels, and failure to apply for Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs).

What Consumers Should Consider

When considering solar panel installations, consumers should prioritise quality and long-term reliability over the initial cost. Here are some tips to ensure a wise investment:

  1. Research the Company:
    • Look for reviews and complaints about the company. Check if there are any regulatory actions or legal issues against them.
  2. Verify Installer Qualifications:
    • Ensure that the installers are certified and experienced. Ask for credentials and verify them independently if necessary.
  3. Check the Warranty and Service Terms:
    • A reputable company will offer a solid warranty and provide ongoing support. Be wary of companies with a history of rebranding or phoenixing to avoid honouring warranties.
  4. Quality of Materials:
    • Investigate the quality of the panels and other materials used. Avoid companies that cannot provide clear information about the origin and quality of their products.
  5. Get Multiple Quotes:
    • Don’t settle for the first offer. Get multiple quotes and compare them not just on price, but on the quality of service, materials, and warranty terms.


While Arise Solar and Sunboost may not be the same company, their connections and similar practices raise red flags for consumers. The allure of cheap solar installations can often mask underlying issues of quality and reliability. By doing thorough research and prioritising long-term value over initial cost, consumers can make more informed decisions and avoid the pitfalls associated with too-good-to-be-true solar deals.

Choosing a reputable and experienced solar provider is crucial to ensuring a safe, efficient, and long-lasting solar energy system for your home. Always remember that with solar, as with many things in life, you often get what you pay for.

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